Planned Giving
Thank you for your interest in providing for the future of Heaven Can Wait Animal Society. Through the long-term commitment of supporters like you, we will continue our efforts to save the lives of animals and end their suffering. The following gives only the most general description of your options for planned giving, and we highly recommend that you seek the advice of your estate planning attorney.
1. Will or Trust Gifts
When you make a bequest to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, you will ensure that some, or all, of your assets will be used to help save lives. There are several types of bequests:
- Specific Bequest – a specified amount, or specific asset, designated in your will or trust as a gift to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society.
- Residuary Bequest – designates a specific percentage of your estate, or all, will be paid to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society after payment of all other distributions, including debts, taxes, expenses, and other bequests have been made.
- Contingent Bequest – specifies your estate, or a portion of it, will go to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society if your other named beneficiary or beneficiaries predeceases you.
Charitable Bequests offer these main benefits:
- Simplicity – A few sentences in your will or trust are all that is needed
- Flexibility – Since you’re not actually making a gift until after your lifetime, you can change your mind at any time.
- Versatility – You leave a specific item or sum of money, make the gift contingent on certain events, or leave a percentage of your estate.
- Tax Relief – Because Heaven Can Wait Animal Society is a nonprofit organization, tax savings resulting from a bequest can be substantial.
Plan with Freewill
2. Retirement Gifts
A gift to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society through a retirement plan (IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or other qualified retirement plan) is one of the easiest and most tax-effective ways to ensure a strong future for the lives we save. Such assets, if given to an individual, will be subject to various kinds of taxes, but if given to a charity, such as Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, will not be taxed.
To Get Started: To name Heaven Can Wait Animal Society as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, simply list the organization on your plan’s beneficiary designation form. Our legal name, address and taxpayer identification number is: Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, PO. Box 30158, Las Vegas, NV 89173; Federal ID No. 88-0450947
Give From My IRA with Freewill
3. Life Insurance Gifts
You can use your life insurance plan to fulfill your goals and meet the needs of our mission today. All you need to do is name Heaven Can Wait Animal Society as the beneficiary of your plan, using the following information: Heaven Can Wait Animal Society, P.O. Box 30158, Las Vegas, NV 89173; Federal ID No. 88-0450947
You can also donate your policy to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society and get a charitable deduction during the year of the gift.
4. Transfer Gifts
Transfer on Death Bank or Brokerage Account
An easy way to make a gift to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society is to name us as the beneficiary of your bank or brokerage account. You retain full control of the account during your lifetime, and, on your death, any assets remaining will be transferred to Heaven Can Wait Animal Society.
5. Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)
A Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a flexible and tax-smart way to support Heaven Can Wait Animal Society. By contributing cash, stocks, or other assets to your DAF, you receive an immediate tax deduction and can recommend grants to us at any time. Your donation has the potential to grow tax-free, allowing you to make an even greater impact on the pets, families and community cats we serve.
Giving is simple! Just log into your DAF account and direct a gift our way, or you can use our partner, FreeWill. Freewill uses DAFpay, created by Chariot, to connect with major donor-advised fund sponsors, saving you time while streamlining the grant request process.
Make a Grant Request with Freewill